This is not just an App, its one of the most important tools I have on my I Pad. Some days when Im feeling something is missing, or that I cannot take another moment of whatever it is that may be troubling me, I turn on my I Pad out of shire boredom and Im moved to open Bible Verses. The wealth of knowledge of the Lords love for myself and for the world moves me greatly. A verse , a single verse can change my attitude into one of gratitude Ina mili-second. This is a relationship with the Lord that I absolutely love. I can go to it at any time and find an answer or a path not yet traveled. This is pure inspiration and I recommend it to even the well versed, everyone could stand the love the answers within the many verses, there is one for any situation you could possibly need direction or reassurance with. Its worth the download please dont pass this great treasure of the Word of God.